HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Many of you may have been glued to the Houston Rockets playoff games, but one Precinct 6 deputy constable was allegedly watching the games while she was supposed to be out on patrol.
"We had the evidence and the evidence spoke for itself," said Precinct 6 Constable Henry Martinez, Jr.
Constable Martinez says Deputy Ana-Alicia Aguillon and fellow Deputy Omar Hernandez are both accused of falsifying their time sheets. Though technically unrelated, both deputies are accused of stating all the time that they were at one location, when they were not.
Captain Victor Garza led the month-long investigation.
"They should be at a particular location monitoring a location, but they're at a hotel or at their residence," he said. "And they were saying they're at another location."
Garza said it was a fellow deputy who notified the chain of command that both Hernandez and Aguillon are accused of saying they're patrolling on their time sheets when in reality, they were not.
In Aguillon's case, authorities say she spent several nights watching Rockets playoff games on the clock. Constable Martinez says he hopes the charges send a message.
"It's been a trying time for all of us here," said Martinez. "My deputies go out every day, hard at work. I don't want this one incident to represent the department."
Both deputies have been terminated from their jobs.