Motorcyclist thought to be missing found at hospital after killing dog on Crosby Freeway

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Motorcycle crash victim found at ER
Authorities believe a motorcyclist hit and killed a dog and that's what caused him to crash.

Deputies searched for a motorcyclist they initially thought had been tossed off his bike during a crash on U.S. 90 and Sheldon Road.

Officials found the motorcycle on U.S. 90, debris and a helmet in the road, but no driver. The motorcyclist also hit and killed a dog, deputies say.

Because of how the helmet was found on the ground, deputies believe the rider may have placed it there and wasn't thrown off his bike after all.

Authorities searched the area under the San Jacinto Bridge, but now believe someone may have picked him up.

Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez later tweeted that the driver was found in the emergency room of a local hospital.

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