Gay couple claims discrimination after being denied dance classes

Saturday, March 16, 2019
Gay couple turned away from dance classes
Gay couple turned away from dance classesCouple turned away from dance classes

DES PERES, Missouri -- A gay couple is now claiming they experienced discrimination at a dance studio based upon their relationship.

The two signed up for dance classes at the Prestige ballroom for lessons to prepare for their upcoming wedding.

Michelle King says she and her fiancé Amanda Shelton were looking forward to the classes when dance instructor Dave Thompson told them he would not accept their business because they were gay.

"He was like we don't have accommodations for same sex couples to dance. It would make everyone in the room awkward," King says.

When reporters went to the Prestige dance studio studio to get Thompson's side, he said "I can't discuss it right now. I'll have to get with my legal counsel and have them get back with you."

Legal experts say a business can refuse service if it's motivated by a religious belief.