Are you cleaning your hair brushes enough?

Thursday, January 18, 2018
You may not be cleaning your hair brushes enough
You may not be cleaning your hair brushes enough

How often do you clean your hair brushes? For most of us, it's not enough.

The Upper Hand Salon Owner Rachel Gower says we should clean the hair out of our brushes weekly, and we should deep clean them once a month.

To deep clean your hair brush, follow these steps:

- Remove hair from brush

- Fill bowl/sink with soapy water

- Dip an old toothbrush in soapy water and scrub the brush

- Then, scrub the brush with clean water to rinse it

- Lie the brush upside down on a towel to dry

Now, if you're wondering how long to keep your hair products, Gower says to check the PAO or Period After Opening symbol on the back of the product. It will tell you exactly how long the product is good after opening.

These days, though, a lot of us buy our products online, and we could end up with old products. So, you want to check for a batch code number that is usually near the PAO.

Go to and enter the code, along with the brand and line, and you'll see exactly when the product is manufactured.

To keep your hair products working their best, keep them closed! Heat, humidity, and water are terrible for hair products, and unfortunately, they're often left in the shower. So, make sure to take the time to close the product and also look for products with pumps.

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