DEBATE: Which do you pour first - cereal or milk?

Wednesday, May 2, 2018
DEBATE: Which do you pour first - cereal or milk?
Watch the report from Action News at 4:30 p.m. on May 1, 2018.

There's apparently a cereal controversy dividing the breakfast aisle.

When making your morning meal, does the cereal hit the bowl first or is it the milk?

This is a real debate with "team cereal first" saying they had no idea there was any other way.

They say anything else is un-American; makes no logical sense; is a milk-wasting way to eat -- adding a number of adjectives we can't share.

Enter the "milk first" crowd who defends the liquid before crunch model.

Here's their case: According to viral debates on this, milk goes in first, then add the cereal in small amounts -- that keeps it from getting soggy and keeps the milk fresh.

We polled viewers on the air on Tuesday, asking who they stand with.

Ninety five percent of you are with the "cereal first" crowd.

So, you "milk first" people... you're not alone, but you certainly don't have numbers on your side.

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