Now, we are hearing a different perspective of what happened last November from a police officer who saw the entire thing. We also have new details about a third person who may have been involved in the burglary.
When Horn shot and killed the two men he suspected were breaking into his neighbor's home, it sparked a huge investigation, and Eyewitness News has obtained the written Pasadena police incident report.
For the first time, we're getting an eyewitness account of the shooting. A police officer in plain clothes said of the first suspect shot, "The suspect who ran northwest appeared to have very briefly been slightly closer to Mr. Horn at the onset of his run."
When it comes to firing at the second person, the officer's statement says, "Horn appeared to be aiming at the rear of the suspect who was running eastbound away from Horn's position."
It outlines the discussion police had with the mother of Diego Ortiz's child, Diamond Morgan. She stated that, "... she knew that Ortiz was doing 'bad things'" and that she told him just days earlier, "He was going to end up dead for the things that he was doing."
"(Morgan) stated at one point she was 'jealous and envious' of Ortiz because she felt like God did not punish him for his sins and God punished everyone else for their sins."
Even more revealing was what she told police about his supposed criminal background. In the police report, Morgan stated that "(Ortiz) would target foreigners and undocumented individuals... 'tail' people, and then rob them."
An ATF agent also offered information in the case, saying, "(ATF Agent R. Oliver) had received a tip about a third suspect involved in the case," someone to drive a getaway vehicle, that he was tracking Colombians, which "mainly targeted individuals of Asian ethnicity and would target residences where shoes were outside on the porch."
For months, police declined to comment about what was stolen from the home. The police report lists as stolen from the home $2,986 and jewelry from a safe.
Horn talked about what happened for the first time two weeks ago, saying the shootings still haunt him.
"To be in a situation where you have to take two lives to save your own, you have no idea what that does to you," he told Good Morning America's Diane Sawyer.
Horn said he didn't go outside with the intention to kill someone. He only went to get information for police.
In a 911 call from Horn, the operator clearly tells him to stay inside the house.
To view some of the incident reports for yourself, we've broken them out below:
- Original report
- Witnessing officer's statement
- Joe Horn statement
- Joe Horn interview
- Property taken from Horn's neighbor
- Case closed
- Details of scene, location of bodies, Horn video statement
- Diamond Morgan 'Ortiz was doing bad things', Police believe third suspect was involved
- Witnessing officer's second statement
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