3 in custody after chase and tense standoff in northeast Houston, police say

Courtney Carpenter Image
Thursday, December 12, 2024 6:33PM
Eyewitness News at 11am - December 12, 2024

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Three people are in custody after a police chase and tense standoff unfolded late Wednesday night in northeast Houston.

It all started around 11 p.m. near Tidwell and Jensen, where officers saw a stolen vehicle and tried to pull over the driver, police said.

Police tell ABC13 the driver didn't stop, and after a short chase and a PIT maneuver, barricaded himself inside the car with a woman.

The driver claimed he had several guns in the car and didn't want to come out, police said, adding that he also didn't want to let the woman out of the car.

SWAT was called in when police said the driver told officers he also had explosives.

"At some point, the driver alerted us to a small amount of explosives in the vehicle, obviously causing a lot of concern. Our SWAT team responded, and we were able to get the male to throw out several guns from his vehicle before ultimately surrendering to SWAT without any incident," said HPD Lt. Riley.

The whole ordeal lasted about two hours.

According to authorities, a second woman was also in the vehicle during the chase, which ended near Hopper Road and the Eastex Freeway.

The three people involved are in custody.

Police are still working to figure out charges.

No one was injured.

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