Explosion under investigation at west Houston oil field tool company, officials say

Authorities said one person received minor injuries but was treated and released on scene.

Mycah Hatfield Image
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Explosion being investigated at west Houston business
Fire officials are investigating an explosion reported at a west Houston business on Brittmore Road Tuesday afternoon.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Investigators are looking into an explosion at an oil field tool company in west Houston Tuesday afternoon.

According to the Cy-Fair Fire Department, the incident happened just before 2 p.m. in the 4500 Block of Brittmore when a business was testing equipment.

The Harris County Fire Marshal's Office told ABC13 that it appears a vessel overpressurized, exploded, and caused a loud noise. BiSN, the company involved, told officials the explosion happened outside their buildings while they were conducting testing.

Officials said there was no fire, but windows at surrounding buildings and cars were shattered. Debris also landed on nearby properties. HCFMO said they were unclear if there was any damage to BiSN's property.

Authorities said one person received minor injuries but was treated and released on scene.

Those who work nearby described a loud noise and said they felt the blast.

Cy-Fair ISD said there was no need for evacuations as the investigation continues.

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