Shelter dog went from no home to life as a champion

ByChaz Miller Localish logo
Monday, August 9, 2021
From shelter dog to dock diving champion
From shelter dog to top dog! Wolfe went from no home to living life as a champion - all while helping his family get through a tough time.

HOUSTON, Texas -- Steve and Judith Scholtes were looking for a therapy dog in 2017.

They had just lost their previous dog, Judith's father was ill, and they hoped to use their new dog Wolfe as a trained therapy dog.

Wolfe had other plans.

It became quickly apparent that he was a little too rambunctious to be a therapy dog, so someone suggested he should take a shot at dock diving.

Dock diving is a sport where a dog runs down a dock and jumps into a 40 foot pool. Their distance is measured by the location where their body hits the water.

Wolfe was a natural.

He went to the American Kennel Club National Championship in 2019, and is currently training to return to nationals in 2021.

As for being a therapy dog it turns out he's pretty good at that, too.