'Golden Bachelor's' Leslie plants doubt in one of Joey's final 3 women heading into Fantasy Suites

ByJennifer Matarese and Gina Sirico OTRC logo
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Leslie's advice heading towards the fantasy suite date scares Kelsey
Leslie's advice heading towards the fantasy suite date scares KelseyLeslie from "The Golden Bachelor" advises Kelsey before her fantasy suite date.

Joey and his final three are in Tulum, Mexico where they hope to find love in the Fantasy Suites! He says he feels like he is falling in love with all three. "I don't feel right," Joey said. He wants someone to choose him and he says he's struggling with letting someone completely in. Charity crushing him really impacted him. He's terrified of getting hurt again. Poor Joey!

Gina: He's in the thick of this process and the emotions are really getting to Joey. My heart definitely goes out to him. I know he wants to make the right choice and with three really great women and his having strong connections with all of them, it's got to be difficult.

Susan Gives Rachel Advice

Susan from "The Golden Bachelor" came by to talk to Rachel to give her advice before her Fantasy Suite date. Rachel told Susan that Joey was a dream come true for her and shared all the things she loved about him. Susan asked if she could see a future with Joey and what she could see. Rachel said she's falling in love with him, and even admitted that she is in love with him after talking it through. She shared that the two major relationships in her life ended due to cheating. She hates having other people pick others over her. Susan urged her to not let her fears get in the way. "You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else," Susan said.

Gina: So, we finally understand why Rachel's family was so protective of her heart. Being cheated on by two people whom she loved enough to call them important relationships is SO tough!! It's understandable why she takes her time in relationships. Also, I just love Susan. She is the Bachelor bestie we all need!

Rachel's Fantasy Date

Joey asked Rachel how she was with wild animals and then asked her if she could hold her breath for a very long time...she was like, "ok..." She was a bit nervous to see what they would be doing on their date, and it was jumping off platforms into a deep water cave. There were no wild animals, he was just trying to throw her off!

They dove off the platform and they had fun exploring their adventurous side as they climbed and jumped higher and higher. It was all fun and games until Rachel smacked her face on the water. She couldn't even talk properly! It was a very scary situation. A medic checked her out, and she said she was fine, but she wasn't. They had to go to the hospital to get Rachel checked out.

Joey stayed by her side as she got an x-ray. The doctor said everything looked fine! That's great. She probably just had some swelling. Poor Rachel! At least they have the evening portion of their date to go and I actually love seeing them get into some "real world" scenarios. Stuff happens! You want to see how someone will handle that stuff.

Gina: And Joey shows he would be a super supportive partner who really cares. It's that whole "actions speak louder than words" thing. He could say he is worried, but he actually did something. He realized something wasn't right and took the reins a bit, getting the medic and then getting Rachel to a hospital. That's the kind of partner we all want, right? I felt for Rachel, though, because I do think she was worried about losing precious time. But on the flip side, she did also see that the connection and the feelings are strong.

Rachel's Fantasy Suite

Rachel felt bad that the whole day changed because of her incident and Joey made a point to say it was a freak accident and there was nothing that she had to apologize for. Rachel told Joey that she hoped that she opened up soon enough for him. Joey said that he just wants her to be comfortable and he does feel like he's gotten to know the real her. She seems to be getting in her head. Joey told Rachel that even though it's understood what this week brings, it doesn't change how everything feels and he really appreciates that she's let him into her mindset and into her life. Rachel cried. She just felt an immense pressure. Joey told Rachel that they have something real and that he cares about her.

Joey handed Rachel the fantasy suite date card and she said "Yes! Let's do it." And with that, Joey took Rachel to a beautiful suite. There was a circular tub, and a bottle of champagne waiting on the bed for them. Joey said, "I just want you to feel comfortable being you."

The next morning, Rachel said, "Last night was good!" Joey said he appreciated how vulnerable she was and how much more she opened up. "I feel like I saw a different side of you," Joey said. Rachel said that the night was perfect. "I finally told him that I love him," Rachel revealed.

Gina: I'm so glad that the night turned around for Rachel, after everything that happened! While he hadn't seen it much during the earlier part of the season, the connection between them is there and it's real.

Leslie Advises Kelsey

There was a knock at the door and it was Leslie, Gerry's runner-up from "The Golden Bachelor." Kelsey told Leslie about how she brought Joey home and really missed her mom. Leslie also lost her mom at age 24 and they got very emotional together talking about that. Kelsey told Leslie about how they found butterflies and Leslie said that her mother would be very proud of her. It was a very touching moment! "That felt really nice to hear," Kelsey said through tears. "I just want her to be happy," Leslie said. Aw, and we want Leslie to be happy too! "I didn't get chosen and that was hard," Leslie said. Aw! "I wish I wouldn't have felt so confident because I was devastated." She added, "I would say just always have something in the back of your head that you might not be it," Leslie said. It scared Kelsey. "I realized how much I could really have my heart broken." Hopefully, this conversation doesn't throw Kelsey off.

Gina: I think Leslie showed Kelsey the "expectations vs reality" here. Leslie expected to be chosen by Gerry. She said that she got all the signs, all the confidence that she'd be the one, but in the end, her heart was shattered. It's so easy to get all in your feelings in the insulated Bachelor bubble, and when someone else who has been through the same thing comes in to shock the system, it really does get you thinking. And overthinking.

Kelsey's Fantasy Date

Kelsey and Joey met up as the rain tapered off and headed to a dock! There was a beautiful boat waiting for them. "She has this light and energy that I just feel so lucky around her," Joey said. He kept telling her how beautiful she was, and that's something he described on our podcast! He said, "Beautiful" when asked to describe Kelsey in one word. Kelsey really loves Joey. She's afraid to say it, but she does. They eventually jumped off the boat and swam with stingrays and sea turtles! It was so beautiful! Talk about a fantasy date!

Kelsey's Fantasy Suite

That evening, Kelsey told Joey that she was having the time of her life. Joey said that things are easy with her and that he feels like he never wants their time to end. Kelsey told Joey about her fears after speaking to Leslie, Joey agreed and said that he felt the same way Leslie did after Charity broke up with him. He also went into how he has the fear of someone not wanting to be with him. Kelsey turned the conversation around to tell him that she cares about him and she's positive about him. She wanted to make him feel seen.

She added that her dad loved seeing them together. "I told him that I loved you," Kelsey told Joey that she revealed to her dad. "I do love you, Joey." She couldn't stop smiling and Joey said that it felt amazing. Joey said that he couldn't believe she wasn't just falling, but she was fully in love. Joey doesn't want to get hurt, but he does want to open up. He talked about his fears, but said, "I am falling in love with you," Joey said. "I want to let you know that I am falling in love with you and I know how real it is."

Joey handed Kelsey the fantasy suite card and she accepted! "It was the easiest yes in my life," Kelsey said. They had their own pool! It was an incredible space! The next morning, they made breakfast together and had a really great time. Kelsey cried saying that she was so happy. Joey cracked an egg terribly and they laughed and laughed. They seem meant to be. I'm calling it. Granted there's still a date to go, but wow. He's revealing a lot here. Joey loved the moments where she said "I love you" to him and Joey said, "It feels so right with Kelsey. Everything fits."

Gina: Early in the season, Joey told me he could not cook, so seeing him and his poor attempt at cracking the eggs had me laughing! Seeing their ease in the morning really did make it seem like they are destined for a happy life after this. BUT, we do know that he has a good connection with Daisy as well, so here we go!

Sandra Advises Daisy

Sandra from "The Golden Bachelor" met up with Daisy to give her some advice ahead of her fantasy suite date. Sandra is so fun! I was so excited to see she was there. Daisy talked about how thinking about the other girls throws her off a bit. Sandra asked if Joey expressed any feelings for her and she said Joey said that he feels the same way she does. Sandra seemed to think things were moving in the right direction. "Keep those positive thoughts and don't worry about the others," Sandra said. She reminded Daisy that it's not really a competition with the other girls, it's just about developing your own relationship. "Make it some sexual oompf!" Sandra said. You knew Sandra would tell her to bring her sexy A-game. Sandra told Daisy that she had "such a beautiful smile and spirit."

Gina: Can we have The Golden Bachelor women on every episode of every season from here on out? They are just so awesome! By the way, I loved that Sandra said talking to Daisy was like talking to one of her daughters.

Daisy's Fantasy Date

Right as they met up, Daisy told Joey to hold on, and then started making out with him! He was wowed for sure. They got on a quad and rode around! Daisy held onto Joey and said that she loved it! "It got me feeling some type of way!" Daisy said. She loved the adrenaline! They even got a little muddy at times, splashing through puddles.

Kelsey Expresses Some Fears

Back at the hotel, Kelsey continued to spin out after her conversation with Leslie. Her fears were growing.

Daisy's Date

Joey and Daisy talked about her hometown date and she said that her family loved him. "I missed you," Daisy told him. She said she always wished he was with her and she thinks about him all the time. "I'm hopeful and excited," Joey said as he reminded her they still have the evening to go! "She makes me feel whole," Joey said. They got cleaned up from their date by making out in an outdoor shower.

Daisy's Fantasy Suite

Daisy told Joey at dinner that she started off a little skeptical, but she's fully invested now. Daisy said that she kept crying on and off to Sandra because when she overthinks it's so hard. Joey said it takes a level of trust and it takes time and that's hard. Daisy said that she got shot down by her ex when she expressed her emotions and Joey is so emotionally available and it makes her feel safe. Joey worries that people fall in love with the "idea" of him, but then when they get to know him, they don't love him. Daisy said that nothing hurts worse than not being chosen back. She started to tear up, and then told Joey, "I'm just really thankful for you." Joey said to Daisy, "I am falling in love with you." He told her he felt it for a while but it took a long time for him to get it out and he was sorry that when she said it the first time he just said, "I feel the same way." They really seemed to take their relationship a step further!

He offered her the fantasy suite card and she happily accepted! They went into their beautiful room and immediately popped the champagne. They walked out on the balcony and kissed and then walked back in and put in a do not disturb sign on their door. The next morning, they kissed and Daisy said she felt like nothing could bring her down. They both said, "I'm falling in love with you."

Gina: Ok, so Joey has told both Kelsey and Daisy that he's falling for them. Is this the writing on the wall for our final two? Hmm. We have seen this connection between Daisy and Joey since night one and it's only gotten stronger. Is it stronger than the other connections? Joey will let us know soon enough!

Kelsey Leaves Joey a Note

Meantime, Kelsey was still brewing in doubt. "If it's not me, it's not something I could get over," she said. She decides she needs to go talk to Joey. She knocked on his door and he wasn't there, so she left. She decides to leave him a note asking him to talk. She wants to have a conversation with him before the rose ceremony.

Kelsey! Stop girl! You are just in your own head! Joey returns, reads the note, and starts to freak out. He's worried Kelsey is going to dump him.

Gina: Oh, boy! Joey says that when someone writes a "we need to talk" note, it usually means bad things. And, speaking from experience, he's not wrong. I feel for both of them. As we near the finale, the pressure is building. We know Joey wants to make the right decision and that he wants the person he chooses not to reject him. So much to think about as we wait a whole week for the dramatic conversation that's about to take place!

Coming Up

We won't get to see the conclusion yet because first, it's time for "The Women Tell All." We'll get to hear from Lea, Maria, Sydney, and Jenn among others. Jesse Palmer also previewed the finale! "You think you know what happens, guess again!" he said. Oh boy, I can't wait! Why does Joey cry? Let's hope he can still find his true love!

Don't miss new episodes of Joey's season of "The Bachelor" on Monday nights on ABC and streaming the next day on Hulu.

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