Baptist Church in Third Ward is the latest to be hit with inexplicably high water bills

Lileana Pearson Image
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Baptist Church in Third Ward is latest to be hit with high water bills
Houston's Mount Rose Baptist Church said its water bill went from $80 to about $2,000 and didn't know what to do other than turn to Action 13.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Howard Mooney has attended the Mount Rose Baptist Church for about 50 years.

"I love it. I love the members. I love the pastor," Mooney told Action 13.

One of a handful of regular church attendees, Mooney helps with all aspects of the church, including making sure the bills are paid on time.

But when the January water bill came in, the congregation was blown away.

"It knocked everyone off our feet when we saw it," Mooney said.

Mooney said he called the city, and he was told the usage came back to the church meter, and it was recommended that they look for a leak.

"If we had a $2,300 leak on this property, water would be showing somewhere around here," Mooney said.

They walked the grounds and checked the toilets, but everything seemed fine.

Changes have been made within the water department to tackle high water bills since the end of Sylvester Turner's term as Houston mayor and the beginning of Mayor John Whitmire's term.

The changes include reimbursement for repairing leaks, updating meters, and changing billing methods.

ABC13 reached out to the city to learn more about what could be going on at the church. The city says it can take up to 24 hours for that information to come back.

In the meantime, if you are experiencing high water bills, there are a few things you can do. First, look around your home or property for any wet spots that could indicate a leak. Also, call, visit in person, or visit the cities improved water bill site where you can dispute a bill.

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