Friendswood chiropractic clinic quiet after sex assault arrests

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Thursday, September 12, 2024 12:51AM
Friendswood chiropractic clinic quiet after sex assault arrests
ABC13 learned a man is the second employee from Bergeson Chiropractic to face sexual assault charges, and more victims are possible.

FRIENDSWOOD, Texas (KTRK) -- ABC13 recently reported on an unlicensed massage therapist named Thomas Latin who was arrested over accusations he sexually assaulted patients at a chiropractic clinic in Friendswood.

The Friendswood Police Department has since sent ABC13 two heavily redacted incident reports stating that those allegations took place last November and this August in the 300 block of East Parkwood Drive.

The only chiropractic office in that block is Bergeson Chiropractic.

In addition to the accusations against Latin, Eyewitness News also learned through the Galveston County District Attorney's Office that another person was charged with sexual assault in January over allegations he assaulted a patient while employed at a clinic.

Joe Guerrero, Jr. was charged following allegations stemming from an incident on Jan. 4.

ABC13 went to Bergeson Chiropractic to see if they would want to discuss the two arrests, but a staff member said they were too busy with patients to comment. Messages to the clinic also went unanswered.

Eyewitness News spoke to one woman who said she got an uncomfortable massage at the clinic from Latin earlier this year. The charges against him are not related to her incident.

The woman ABC13 spoke with, who wished to remain unidentified due to the sensitive nature of the situation, called the massage the creepiest one she has ever received.

She also said she hasn't been back to Bergeson Chiropractic since, despite every other experience being pleasant.

She said Latin inappropriately placed his body against her arm while giving the massage, in addition to saying inappropriate things throughout the session.

"He was subtle," she recalled. "Almost like he was testing me to see how far he could go."

She alleged he also sang "She Loves You" by The Beatles whenever he'd touch her body.

The charges against both men are still active, but only Latin remains in the Galveston County Jail.

The Friendswood Police Department believes Latin had more victims and is urging the public to come forward with any information.

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