Joe Biden releases public education plan during campaign stop in Houston

Tom Abrahams Image
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Joe Biden makes first campaign stop in Houston
Joe Biden makes first campaign stop in Houston

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Former Vice President Joe Biden wants to expand early childhood education and pour billions of dollars into education for poor communities.

He announced the beginning of his education plan during a campaign stop Tuesday, which was a town hall meeting with members of the American Federation of Teachers.

This is Biden's first trip to Houston since announcing his 2020 presidential campaign in April. He is one of 23 Democrats seeking the party's nomination.

The town hall featured questions from the audience, and offered Biden a chance to reveal his education plan.

The plan is broad-reaching, but offers little in the ways of specifics. He did emphasize the need to invest more money in education beginning with what he called "Pre-Pre-K."

"Don't tell me what you value," said Biden, quoting his wife Dr. Jill Biden. "Show me your budget and I'll know what you value."

Biden also said he wants to tighten gun laws and add additional counseling services to public schools across the country.

"Our children are listening," he said.

Biden worked the crowd, stepping off the stage and walking the aisles as he spoke to the invitation only crowd.

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