Woman donates sold out concert tickets to young cancer patient

ByRachel Schwartz KTRK logo
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Amanda Jaramillo donated her One Direction tickets to Phoenix Children's Hospital so 12-year-old Estefania Canales could attend the show.
93.3 KOB-FM/Phoenix Children's Hospital/Facebook

Even though she's a One Direction super fan, 22-year-old Amanda Jaramillo says skipping the pop group's recent concert near her home is one of the best things she has ever done. Jaramillo donated her front row tickets to the local children's hospital so a young cancer patient could see her favorite group perform.

When an Albuquerque radio station announced it was giving away tickets to the upcoming One Direction concert, Jaramillo knew they were hers to win. She spent the better part of a week chasing the clues of an intricate scavenger hunt. Her hard work paid off; she beat out the competition and won tickets to the sold out show.

93.3 KOB-FM/Facebook

"I've never won anything before in my life, so I was thrilled when I finally got those tickets," Jaramillo said. "I think it was more about just winning the contest than the actual concert."

In fact she had been so focused on winning, she didn't immediately realize that the tickets weren't for the date she had originally thought. It turns out the college student had class the night of the show.

But what to do with the tickets?

"My first thought was, 'I can sell these,' but then I thought there were a lot of girls that would go crazy for One Direction tickets," Jaramillo said.

Amanda Jaramillo/Facebook

So Jaramillo got in touch with the Phoenix Children's Hospital in hopes that she would be able to give the tickets to one of their patients who loved One Direction as much as she did.

Twelve-year-old Estefania Canales has been undergoing cancer treatments at Phoenix Children's Hospital since May. She loves One Direction, but her treatments were costly and her family could not afford tickets to the concert. Although they never met face, through her gift to the hospital, Jaramillo was able to treat Estefania to an unforgettable night.

Phoenix Children's Hospital/Facebook

"It didn't hit me until I saw the picture of her holding the tickets, and I remember telling my parents that I don't think any amount of money I cold have gotten for those tickets could make me feel happier than I do right now it was so humbling," Jaramillo said.

Estefania's family has set up a Go Fund Me page to help pay for her treatment.

Photos used with permission

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