Vandals go on smart car-tipping spree in Denver

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Monday, November 9, 2015
Vandals tipped over a Smart car on Clayton Street near 17th Street in San Francisco.
Vandals tipped over a Smart car on Clayton Street near 17th Street in San Francisco.

DENVER, CO (KTRK) -- Police in Denver are looking for who is responsible for tipping over at least five smart cars.

The tipping spree happened early Sunday morning as the delinquents overturned the tiny cars, including two from a local ride-sharing service, KDVR-TV reports.

Denver police say they are looking for at least four people suspected in upending the vehicles, which sustained shattered windows and other damages.

Matt Alcorn, a Washington Park resident who came across one of those vehicles as he went outside to grab the newspaper, says the vandals need to be kind.

"Just respect other people's property," Alcorn said. "It's not yours. Don't destroy it. Don't break it."

Damage estimates for all the tipped smart cars were not disclosed.

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