Is Tinder not working out for you? Then maybe you should start leaving love notes on the beach like one U.K. woman did.
Sarah Milne, 33, is an artist from Glasgow, Scotland who is backpacking across New Zealand, according to The New Zealand Herald. While in the beachside town of Picton, Milne made eye contact with a male beachgoer, and felt compelled to paint a poster and leave a note for him.
"Is this you? I was sitting on the grass watching the sea . . . you were playing with your dog . . . I've got long brown hair and was wearing a black t-shirt + denim shorts . . . you have stars tattooed on your torso and your dog is curly, bouncy + blonde you ran past me and smiled . . . Would you like to go for a drink / coffee / walk??? I'm in Wellington just now, my ferry arrives back in Picton on Tuesday 3rd. I'm in town for 1 night only . . . But let's see how things go . . . on the off chance you are single, remember who I am and would like to meet for a drink / coffee / walk, I'll be sitting on the grass, watching the sea from 1-1:30 pm onwards on Tuesday . . . Maybe you'll run past again ?!?"
Milne's note was also accompanied by a sign warning others not to remove it.
The posters, shared online by the Beachcomber Fun Cruises Facebook page, quickly became the talk of the town, with Will Scott Chalmers identifying himself as Milne's object of affection.
"It would be really rude if I was the talk of the town and didn't show up," Chalmers told New Zealand radio station The Hits. "I'd go from being famous in Picton to being the most hated person, just like that."
With the help of Beachcomber Fun Cruises, Milne was able to organize a meet up with Chalmers.
The two then shared a drink at a nearby bar.
According to Chalmers, the night went splendidly.