Goat who lost legs to frostbite gets prosthetic limbs

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Thursday, March 24, 2016

When Izzy lost his legs due to frostbite, the vet joked that the positive little goat didn't even notice they were missing.

"Animals don't feel sorry for themselves; they adapt and accept and then move forward," Rory Clow, the Colorado woman who adopted Izzy, told ABC in an email.

Izzy was born in below-zero temperatures in early January. From birth, a nutritional problem paralyzed his back legs, according to his GoFundMe page. The paralysis exposed his legs to the cold, leading to frostbite. Izzy's original owner was planning on putting him down, but Clow offered to adopt him.

Clow's work caring for Izzy motivated her to help other animals. Through Izzy's vet she met Mindy Falzarano, and the two have co-founded a nonprofit rescue organization called Happy Animal Project. They hope to build a rehabilitation sanctuary for farm animals.

Clow said that Izzy is doing well even though he still has medical conditions and his current temporary prosthetics keep falling off. Clow said she hopes to one day see Izzy as a fully grown goat with prosthetics that are easier to use.

"Izzy has taught me to be strong despite continuously being tossed hardships," Clow said, "and to never accept when other people tell you that you can't do something."

Follow Izzy's adventures on Instagram.