How some students are making thousands running HS retail store

Friday, November 10, 2017
Friday Fylover
Final Flyover: Clear Lake HS shows off their school spirit.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A group of high school business students are making thousands of dollars while still in school.

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The teens run a new retail store inside Clear Lake High School.

The Lake Shop, which is open between classes and during lunch, sells snacks, t-shirts, drinks, and other school spirit items.

"Our Honey Buns, our hot Cheetos," said Zain Dholasaniya. "They were our top selling items."

Dholasaniya is one of several students who deal with the store's business operations.

"This is my first job," said Dholasaniya.

Other students with leadership roles are in charge of the T-Shop, where students make their own t-shirt logos, print them and iron on the designs.

Between classes, students stock up on inventory and get ready for the rush of customers.

Last year, the store sold more than $90,000 in items.

The money is reinvested into the store, and this year, students who work at the shop will be paid.

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