HONOLULU, Hawaii (KTRK) -- President Donald Trump says the federal government will "get involved" with Hawaii following the false alarm about an incoming missile strike on the island state.
Trump says what happened Saturday "was a state thing." He did not describe the level of federal involvement he envisions, but the Federal Communications Commission has opened an investigation.
Hawaii residents received cellphone alerts Saturday warning of an incoming ballistic missile strike. State officials later said someone doing a routine test during a shift change at the Emergency Management Agency mistakenly hit the live alert button.
RELATED: Children rushed into manhole for safety during Hawaii missile threat
Hawaii's governor has apologized.
Speaking of Hawaii officials, Trump said, "I love that they took responsibility." He said, "they took full responsibility but we're going to get involved."
Meanwhile, the officer responsible for the false warning has been reassigned to a different post.
Trump also said he hopes something like that doesn't happen again.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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