Congratulations to Morton Ranch HS, the 2017 ABC13 Friday Flyover winner

Friday, December 1, 2017
Friday Flyover champions
Friday Flyover champions are Morton Ranch High School.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- All season long we've featured mega school spirit during ABC13's Friday Flyover.

Votes have been counted and we have a winner, Morton Ranch High School.

This school had nearly 1,000 students participate in the formations.

Foti Kallergis is there to award Morton Ranch with their 2017 Friday Flyover Championship Trophy. The students lined up for a special and final encore formation on Eyewitness News.

ABC13 would also like to celebrate the 2017 Friday Flyover second and third place winners:

Friday Flyover Second Place

Crosby High School was the reigning champs until today. They started off season two of Friday Flyover with an outline of the USA map.

Friday Flyover Third Place

St. Pius X was the second to compete this season and was the first school to do a morning formation.

Congratulations to Morton High School and to all of the schools who participated in ABC13's Friday Flyover this season.

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