Heights nursery gifts free Christmas trees to Houstonians for the holidays

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Monday, December 19, 2022
Christmas trees could cost you 20% more this year
Christmas tree prices are skyrocketing due to inflation and many retailers estimate the cost for many trees to go up 20% or more this year. Kemberly Richardson has more.

HOUSTON, Texas -- Holiday-minded Houstonians have no doubt had their Christmas trees up for weeks, but those who're missing the classic yuletide symbol can now get one for free, thanks to a popular Heights nursery.

The video above is from a previous report on prices impacting Christmas trees.

Heights favorite Buchanan's Native Plants (611 East 11th St.) is giving away free Christmas trees all week. Those in need of a tree can look forward to Fraser pines - the traditional, most recognizable Christmas tree in the U.S. known for its shape and piney fragrance, as well as Nobles and even concolor firs, which have a unique shape and longer branches.

Trees range from 6 feet to more than 12 feet. Buchanan's staffers can offer twine to bind trees to cars and will even help mount them atop vehicles.

For more information about the free tree giveaway, continue reading this article from our ABC13 partners at Houston CultureMap.