Cy-Fair student accused of terroristic threat charged with multiple sex crimes

Tom Abrahams Image
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
An 18-year-old man faces numerous sex charges and a charge of making a terroristic threat against Cy-Fair High School.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- On the same day, an 18-year-old Waller County man faced two serious investigations for separate crimes in separate counties.

Paul Adamski is in the Waller County Jail on five separate sex crimes charges and is also charged in Harris County for making terroristic threats against students at Cy-Fair High School.

On April 12, court records reveal Cy-Fair administrators learned of a series of threatening messages through an online application called Slack. In the messages, the sender wrote, "All your friends will slowly die in front of you. Your friend will be the first to meet my acquaintance. Is that what you want? To see her fed her own intestines?"

At the same time, a relative of Adamski called Waller County deputies and told them the 18-year-old was in distress and needed help. Deputies arrived and, while there checking on Adamski, tell Eyewitness News they found evidence of sex crimes.

They arrested him and he is now facing five felony charges; prohibited sexual conduct, indecency with a child (exposure), indecency with a child (sexual contact), and two counts of sexual assaults against adults. He is in jail on $125,000 bond.

He also faces terroristic threat charges in Harris County. And when asked about the threats, which allegedly were aimed at a Cy-Fair High School band banquet, Cy-Fair issued the following statement to Eyewitness News.

"School administrators were made aware of a school threat last month and immediately began working with the Cy-Fair Police Department and campus officers to investigate. The student involved in this incident was identified and removed from school. The student is no longer enrolled at Cy-Fair High School."

Court records reveal that Waller County deputies found the phone they believed was used to send the messages to students at Cy-Fair. It belonged to Adamski and they say Adamski admitted to sending the messages.

Investigators in Waller County say not only might there be more charges forthcoming against Adamski, but others could also face sex crime charges related to this investigation. And they believe there could be additional victims.

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