That suspect has not yet been arrested. He is charged with improper photography and visual recording here. Police say he told them he plans soon to surrender.
According to Tomball police, surveillance video shows Ronnie Hoyt Royston, 37, entering the Kohl's on FM 2920 in Tomball on June 4. Once inside, according to a Tomball area woman, her daughter and a friend, Royston started to follow them through the store. They didn't think much of it at first.
A short time later, the girls entered the dressing room to try on clothes. But before they did, they discovered a camera which police say Royston strategically positioned to try and record them changing. Investigators say the iPhone was hidden in a pair of men's swim trunks.
The shorts were hidden under a bench inside one of the dressing rooms, with the camera rolling. The girls grabbed the camera and showed the woman who was with them.
Detectives say the phone showed Royston's face as he set up the camera. It also contained pictures of one of victims taken from outside the store as they entered. Police say Royston has confessed to taking the pictures and video.
Shopper Lisa Hudson said, "Oh my God! Me and my daughter both were just in there!"
Outside the store on Thursday customers talked about the prevalence of cameras today and how it's unfortunate that sometimes they might be used against unsuspecting targets.
"That's just wrong anyway you put it," Hudson said. "Would you want your mother or daughter in there when he's doing that to her?"
Our repeated calls to Kohl's for comment were not returned. Tomball police say Royston claims he will be surrendering.