HOUSTON (KTRK) -- A woman in northwest Houston discovered her own mother dead this morning in northwest Houston, authorities say.
The woman made the gruesome discovery at her mother's apartment building on Westview near Silber.
We've learned the 57-year-old grandmother was with her grandchildren the night before, and later on, around 3am, her daughter arrived home and found her dead with a face wound.
The three children, ages 5 to 7, were home at the time of the killing, but did not wake up, according to authorities.
Detective Willis Huff said, "They were unaware anything happened until their mom came home and called (authorities) and there was commotion. ...It can be very traumatic for kids, but in this case, they were apparently asleep and they avoided seeing anything that might have happened and avoided anything that might have happened to them as well."
Authorities say the door was locked when the daughter arrived home, and no weapon was found inside.
At this time, there are no named suspects.
The woman who was killed was a well-liked small business owner. She ran a beauty shop "from sunup to sundown" and was a "respected" resident of the apartment complex, Huff said.
Neighbors say there are major concerns about crime in the area after a letter was sent out to residents about a suspicious person, but right now it's not certain whether that is connected at all.