'The Bachelor' Chris Soules makes his final decision between Whitney and Becca

ByJennifer Matarese KTRK logo
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

NEW YORK -- Chris Soules finally had to make his final decision on the finale of "The Bachelor"! It was a 2-hour episode followed by a live 1-hour "After the Final Rose" special. The finale began with Chris walking through his fields in Arlington, Iowa while thinking about his final two ladies, Becca and Whitney. At this point Chris says he could go either way and is 50/50 on the situation. Yikes!

Chris met up with his family who was overjoyed to see him again. There's one thing that's for sure, he comes from a very loving family! His mother said that she wants to see him absolutely certain about whom he wants to choose and she doesn't see that just yet. Whitney was up first to meet his whole family. She says she is super nervous because this is a big deal! Chris' dad said that Whitney seemed to be everything he would want in a wife for Chris, so that's a great first impression. Whitney also noticed that Chris' family has a lot of love to go around and they all seemed to take to her right away. She made a really touching toast at the beginning of dinner that brought tears to everyone's eyes! She professed her love for Chris right in front of everyone. Whitney told his sisters while they talked privately that she could be a nurse anywhere and she is absolutely willing to make the move to Arlington because that's what you do for family.

The sisters even said that if it didn't work out with Chris they would really miss her! Chris talked with his sisters about the differences between the two and it really seemed like he is more into Becca at this point. His sister noted that Chris couldn't even articulate what it was that he liked about Becca yet, so that's a bit of a red flag to her and she could see him getting hurt by her.

Whitney had a heart-to-heart with Chris' mom where she told her that she could use a mom and dad since she doesn't have either anymore. Chris' mother was ready to adopt her right then and there, but told her, it's Chris' decision. She said, "Chris is her dream. What more can I ask for?" I wonder if Chris sees Whitney as almost too good to be true and not enough of a challenge. I think he's drawn to the fact that Becca is a bit tougher. He sat down and talked with his best guy friends and his dad where he says that he has deep feelings for Whitney, but he might think Becca is his shot at a soul mate or something.

His brother-in-law called out the "hard to get" aspect of Becca, and told him not to be blinded by that. He also called it "highly unfortunate" that Chris hasn't made up his mind and is 50/50.

Becca was clearly nervous to meet Chris' family but came off very friendly and talked all about what her family thought about Chris. At dinner, she chatted with everyone about her expedition with the other ladies into Arlington and joked about how on the weekend they would go out to the Post Office because that's the only place open ever in town! They seemed to think it was funny at least!

Once Becca chatted with the sisters she shared that she is falling in love, but did admit that she's not "in love" yet. She shared her worries that she's not in the same place as Whitney but she doesn't want the relationship to end yet. She also told them that she is only up for doing a long-distance relationship until she's sure that she is in love and ready to make a big move. She said she's just a slower mover. His sisters are worried that she's not as into Chris as Whitney is. They told Chris that Becca is "a hard nut to crack". They had a LOT of concerns with Becca. Chris said he knows what he feels and that's more important than what Becca is saying at this point. Still, his sister said that he needs to push her a little and see what she has to say about the things that are concerning him so he can make an informed decision.

Chris' mother said that she didn't think anyone could compare to Whitney but she found Becca to be a great girl too. Becca talked about how she felt miserable when she couldn't talk to Chris after they had a little disagreement the other week, and his mother was like, "Don't you think that's love?" She told his mother that she's more concerned with Chris than herself, and his mother said again, "You know what that is?" I mean, clearly Becca has feelings of love, but she's just not ready to say "I love you". His mother urged her to "take a chance" and that it's no way to live your life not taking chances. His mom is fantastic. Becca wasn't sold though. She said she's not ready for a proposal, and thinking about how hard a long distance relationship would be was overwhelming to her.

Chris' family said that they could see what he sees in her. The sisters though really don't want him to pick someone who isn't sure about him. Chris' father seemed distressed thinking about his son's difficult decision.

Chris had one last date with each woman and Becca was actually up first. He went to her hotel room and she had an amazing suite. After some kissing, they did some talking, some serious talking. Chris told Becca that he wants everything from her that she can give him from her heart. He said that he's struggling. Becca said again that she's just not there yet. Chris seems like he has to beg her to be with him! Why doesn't he see this? He's incredibly vulnerable with her. He tries to extract her five-year plan but she doesn't really give him much to go on and says, "I can't make any promises" and wouldn't give any kind of timeline as far as when she would be ready to move. Chris tried to press her a little more, and she started to raise her voice a little and get frustrated. Then, Chris said, "Why don't you feel it?" She said, "I don't know and I wanted to badly to answer that question and for it to be what you want to hear." I mean, she can't be shocked if he doesn't pick her, right? She says that she wants him, but it doesn't really seem like it. You can't blame Chris for being confused. Why is Chris willing to settle for someone who isn't in love with him? She finally said that she would need to know what she could do in Arlington and not just follow him somewhere. He was actually relieved to hear her have a real answer to something. She says she could envision her life with him, but what if she goes there and it's not for her? He tells her that they could figure it out, but she didn't seem that happy about that. She whispered, "I can't wait," and then they kissed. He held her for practically an eternity, and it just seemed uncomfortable. When he talked about it separately, he cried about it. That's awful!

Whitney's date was up next. Let's hope he gets some clarity after that disaster of a date with Becca. Whitney met up with him at his farm and a car dropped her off there and she was so excited to learn that she was actually at his farm and at his house! She clearly is excited about him and his life and wants to be a part of it. She saw his dad again and his father was really happy to see her! She just seems to fit into his life. She got to sit in the big harvesting tractor and see how the whole thing works. After that, they went for a drive around his property and ended up at his home. She said it feels 100% right being there and she has no reservations. She loved his home, and who wouldn't, it's beautiful! They sat by the fireplace and had a talk about their time together. Whitney told Chris that everything feels perfect and she's finally feeling a sense of peace, while still being scared out of her mind. She hopes that he has no questions about her, and he doesn't, there's just that pesky Becca hanging around.

Chris said that the day was so perfect and that he feels good the minute he's with her. They settled down for a romantic "last" date together. Whitney told Chris that nothing was shocking about Arlington to her. Chris said yeah, well if you want to go somewhere with people, you go there, but then at the end of the day or vacation you go home. Whitney drove home the point that she wants to be domestic. Chris joked that she needs to get some dirt on her little hands (that were perfectly manicured)! Whitney asked him if he had any final thoughts or questions and she just wanted him to put everything out on the table. She professed her love for him and said that she understood that he couldn't say anything back. Chris told her that he is excited about her and about where they are at no matter what happens. Whitney got a little in her head at that point and started to tear up thinking about Chris possibly breaking her heart, because she is all in. She said however, that when she looks in his eyes, she feels love. She's too worried about another person still being involved to be happy about it though.

Then the day arrived, the day Chris would make his big decision. Chris said he never got clarity, but he's still torn and is unsure about what he's going to do later. He met up with Neil Lane to pick out an engagement ring. The rings are amazingly beautiful and it has got to be cool to learn all about the rings from the man who designed them! Chris said that he was looking at rings and was confused as ever. He didn't even know if he should be making a decision in the state of mind that he is in. Becca got ready and wore a long red velvet dress, while Whitney wore an eggplant colored gown. They both looked beautiful as they headed towards the farm.

Chris waited in the loft of his barn that was all decorated for the final moment. But, Chris has to let someone go before he can be truly happy. He says he feels terrible to have to do this. The limo pulled up and Becca got out. Chris said he was wavering in his decision as soon as he saw her. He told her that she gave him a level of comfort that he loved and he could see a future with her all the time and he never had any doubts with her. He said that he knew he could see her being his wife, but she's not really ready. He said he has to go with his heart and his gut and it's not fair for either of them to take that leap at this point. He said that he felt it and wanted it to happen, but she'll make someone incredibly happy and lucky but he's not that guy. She said that she really respected his decision and that he would be an incredible husband and she's had a great experience on the show because of him. Wow, this is very strange. She seems relieved, doesn't she? Becca said that she was in a state of shock in the limo, but didn't shed any tears.

At last, Whitney's limo's arrived. I loved her hair; it was in a woven-type updo. She walked into the barn and Chris looked so happy to see her, and he kissed her! Poor Whitney was so nervous you could hear her shaking as she breathed. She said that she came there with an idea of him and she's never been disappointed. She told him that she loved him so much and was really scared, but she's put it all out there. Chris said that she's perfect for him and that being able to have her there that day and in Iowa and seeing her with his family made him so excited. He loved that it's not work for them, it's just natural and it feels so right and so perfect, and that's what he wants for the rest of his life. He said, "I love you!" He then got down on one knee and proposed! Whitney seemed absolutely shocked, but thrilled and they kissed happily! They shared more "I love yous" and then Chris didn't forget to give her the final rose! She said holy cow *expletive* when she looked at the big ring!

They sat in the loft of the barn and watched the sunset over his farm as they kissed and it was just perfect.

Then, it was time for the "After the Final Rose" special. Chris said that being engaged feels great and that Whitney is the perfect person for him. He said they are so excited to "let the relationship become real" out in the public. He said that he was falling in love with Becca, but he kept looking for something that he wasn't getting from her. He said that he was always playing catchup with her and that he had to always wait for her feelings to catchup to his and he's ready to get married and have a family now. He said that he didn't know that if Becca has professed her love if it would change things back then but he's only looking forward and he wants his future to be with Whitney. Chris said that he's confident he did the best thing for everyone involved.

Becca came out on stage to talk to Chris for the first time since he let her go home. Becca said the episode was hard to watch, and she said it was hard that she wanted to be with him badly, but just wasn't ready for a proposal. This was very uneventful because it's not like Becca really needed closure. Becca pretty much drove Chris away. He said he wanted to get married, she said that she didn't want to just yet.

Before they brought Whitney out to join Chris, Chris Harrison asked him how tough was it to talk with Becca? Was it tough at all? They seem perfectly fine. Whitney gushed some more about how happy she is with Chris and they seemed ridiculously happy! He said that his sisters' opinions of Whitney meant a lot to him and that he actually wanted to find someone with a personality like his sisters. Chris Harrison said, "Did you even choose her?" because Chris' family loved Whitney from the get go.

Whitney said that she did not watch the show. She doesn't want to watch Chris on dates with other women and she doesn't think it's a necessity for her. She said that she lived it and she is confident in what they have. Chris Harrison asked if other people have told her things and she said she's not living in a bubble so she understands, but she doesn't let it bother her. Then, they watched the footage of Chris' parents showing up after the proposal to congratulate the happy couple! It was really sweet and his mother cried tears of joy!

His mother talked about them having babies right away and she would love to babysit and it was hilarious, because Chris and Whitney were talking about how cute their babies will be someday.

Ashley S. was in the audience and Chris Harrison pressed her for an answer on whether or not she would be on "Bachelor in Paradise". She said she "supposed" that she could be there. Chris Harrison said that he would take that as a yes!

Whitney admitted to Chris Harrison that she's been sneaking over to Arlington to hang out with Chris and his whole family. Then, Jimmy Kimmel showed up as a special surprise! He congratulated the couple and sat down between them on the couch. He said it was strange to be a part of the show and thought it was remarkable to be a part of it. He asked Chris and Whitney if they had a fight yet, and Chris said they had some discussions. They said that they have been regularly "making love" as much as possible", when asked about it by Jimmy Kimmel. Jimmy even said "Bottom line, Becca wasn't into you." How awkward! Jimmy said he had a present for them, so he went off stage and brought out a cow with a big red ribbon on it!

To end "After the Final Rose", it was time for the big "Bachelorette" announcement. Chris Harrison asked the audience who they preferred Kaitlyn or Britt. They decided that they would have TWO BACHELORETTES. The men on night one will decide which of them they want to keep. They both came out and talked about what an amazing opportunity it will be and Britt said, "We'll just see how it goes." Kaitlyn says that it is not ideal, ha! Chris Harrison said that they've never done this before, but they have on "The Bachelor". During Byron Velvick's season, the women had to choose if they wanted him or real-estate agent Jay Overbye, the women chose Velvick. So who will it be? Kaitlyn or Britt? We'll have to wait until "The Bachelorette's" big premiere on May 18th!

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