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The Tan Man's bright side
GENTLE GIANT: At 6' 5" and 325 pounds, Phil Brayton's physical presence is only surpassed by his bigger-than-life positive personality.
105-year-old man to witness 13th solar eclipse
US drops from list of top 20 happiest countries in the world
Why can fear be fun? Doctors break down the science of being scared
Grab the kiddos and unwind! Here are some fun holiday stories
Study shows how much money you need to be happy in Houston
Happy Day of Happiness!
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105-year-old man to witness 13th solar eclipse
US drops from list of top 20 happiest countries in the world
Why can fear be fun? Doctors break down the science of being scared
Grab the kiddos and unwind! Here are some fun holiday stories
Study shows how much money you need to be happy in Houston
Happy Day of Happiness!
Cancer patient dresses in costumes to spread joy
8-year-old surprises stepdad with adoption proposal
Color your world! How different hues affect your mood
What are the happiest countries in the world?
Desserts can help keep families together, study suggests
How to say "I love you" around the world
The world's happiest countries
7 ways Sriracha can save your life
Happy National Dog Day!
5 ways to boost your mood on 'Blue Monday'
Feeling like a Grinch? At least it won't shorten your life
Study: Having more sex doesn't make you happier
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