Protect yourself with these 9 dating app safety tips

Friday, October 26, 2018
Use these tips when interacting with people on dating apps
Use these tips when interacting with people on dating apps

Dating apps and websites are bringing people together, but also putting some in dangerous situations.

The website has put together a list of safety tips that can help protect you when interacting with a stranger you met online.

Use unique photos for your dating profile. If your dating profile has a photo that also shows up on your Instagram or Facebook, it will be easy for someone to reverse image search with Google and find you on social media.

Avoid putting lots of personal details on your profile. Don't include your last name, contact info or social media account handles.

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Use the dating app's messaging system. It might be less convenient than texting, but it gives you extra protection.

Set up a Google Voice phone number just for dating. Instead of giving someone your real phone number, consider using a Google phone number and forwarding it to your phone.

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Arrange your own transportation. Don't let a stranger know exactly where you live until you know them better. Drive yourself to the date or get a ride, but don't have your date pick you up or take you home.

Meet in a public place for your first date. Meeting in a place with other people around will increase your safety.

Enlist the help of a friend. Let someone know you're going out with someone new, tell them where you're going and set a time for them to check in on you and make sure you're okay.

Keep some emergency cash on hand. Keep a little bit of cash somewhere on your person so that you have money if your bag or wallet gets lost or stolen.

Consider carrying a self-defense tool. Carrying a self-defense weapon is very personal descision, but if it makes you feel safer, you may want to carry one.