CITGO Distinguished Scholars: Service & Leadership | Saloni

Monday, September 30, 2024 8:06PM

Name: Saloni Simone Singh

School: Westchester Academy for International Studies (WAIS)

Saloni is a star student, a peer leader and a diligent community volunteer. She is a constant volunteer at the Food bank and a member of SEWA, a service organization through which she tutors refugee kids in Math and English. As a sophomore she was selected as stage manager for her school theatre production, only to soon learn that the director had been placed on administrative leave. In the midst of the confusion and disappointment, Saloni took charge of the production, leading the group to a successful show. She then captained her peers throughout the year, putting on 4 more complete theatre productions. In addition to her scholastic achievements, Saloni is a 3rd degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. She hopes to attend Rice University where she will earn a bachelors degree and professional license in Architecture.