HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Police are looking for a vehicle this morning, that left a gaping hole in the side of a Popeye's Restaurant.
It happened around 3am this morning in the 5800 block of Lockwood in northeast Houston.
Emergency crews received a call about a sprinkler system going off at the restaurant. Police arrived and found the sprinkler system flowing, and a big hole in the side of the building.
"It appears someone had taken a vehicle and run into Popeye's breaking the wall, breaking the sprinkler system which set off the automatic alarm," Lt. Larry Crowson with HPD said. "Right now we're searching the area for any kind of vehicles with damage."
Police are working with the restaurant manager to see if anything was taken. They also will see if the restaurant has an type of surveillance video that can help identify the person or persons behind this.