Woman warns about Luke Bryan impersonator asking for fans' personal information

Thursday, November 15, 2018
Fake Luke Bryan warning
Cassandra Johnson was starstrucked when she was followed on Instagram by country singer Luke Bryan, but slowly found out he was a fake.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- It's no doubt country music superstar Luke Bryan has a lot of fans, including 4.5 million followers on Instagram. But someone took that popularity and tried to use it to get a fan's personal information.

"I thought 'Wow.'" Cassandra Johnson said. "I just came on here yesterday and all the sudden Luke Bryan is reaching out to me."

She'd only been on Instagram one day when she got the message, "Hello, are you one of my music fans?"

"I got excited. I thought I probably won some concert tickets," she said.

But this Bryan imposter had even more to offer, as he went on to ask if she had any debt or bills she needed help with.

"I thought it was a blessing," Johnson said.

Even while it seemed amazing that Luke Bryan was reaching out, she asked for proof.

The imposter sent a fake Tennessee license with Bryan's image superimposed.

"I thought I had taken care of all of the security issues and being safe and look what happened to me," Johnson said.

When the poser asked for a picture of her credit card, Johnson said that raised even more red flags.

"I was afraid. It really scared me," she said.

She didn't send the information and is looking into filing a report with law enforcement. In the meantime, she has advice for others fans.

"Look for that little blue checkbox so you can confirm it's the celebrity or whatever, that it's real," she said.

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