Liberty County residents still dealing with flooding

Saturday, January 16, 2016
Liberty County Flooding

LIBERTY COUNTY, TX (KTRK) -- Residents living along the Trinity River in Liberty County have been dealing with flooding since last year.

The water has yet to recede, and its making it difficult for county leaders to help the community. Some of the main roads in and out of neighborhoods have been swallowed by the river.

"This is the worst flood," said Cora Rich, resident. "It's tearing off our roads."

County Road 2331, is the main road that leads in and out of Rich's neighborhood.

"Back then it would flood and go away, but this is the longest it's been 3 months," she said.

Eyewitness news has been following the residents struggle since last year. County leaders took a boat ride to access the damage. It was evident that nothing has changed.

"Our main concern is providing emergency services," said Liberty County Commissioner of Pct. 2, Greg Arthur.

"The only way you can get in an out is in a boat," said Rich.

County leaders are now looking into building a new section of CR 2331 further away from the river, but until that happens.

"You just gotta go with the flow," said Rich. "I'm a senior citizen and they won't give me enough for my house."

Packing up and moving for long-time, is not an affordable option for most residents.

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