Pizza restaurant calls customer 'White Trash' on delivery receipt

Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Customer called 'White Trash' on pizza receipt
Customer called 'White Trash' on pizza receipt

DETROIT, Michigan -- A group of friends in Detroit say they were shocked to see the words "White Trash" written on their receipt after ordering a pizza Monday night.

Jason Charboneau says he and his friends were doing nothing disrespectful at the time and just wanted to get some food.

Now he says he'll never go back to the restaurant.

"I don't need to know what people think of me," he said.

Charboneau added that he would tell the person who typed the words on the receipt to "grow up, at the very least, and lose the hate."

Jets Pizza has since apologized saying they do not tolerate this type of behavior and have made suggestions to the franchise location on how to deal with the employee.