Imagine flying high above a city you've never seen before.
For thirty minutes, you take in skyscrapers, rivers, and neighborhoods.
Now try to draw it all from memory.
"I've always described it a bit like a video recorder," explained Annette, Stephen Wiltshire's sister. "He's able to tape it all and when he wants to go back to it, he can just press rewind or forward and it all comes in sync for him."
Stephen Wiltshire is an artist, well known for creating panoramic drawings of city-scapes. He draws them all from memory.
"I love most about my work when people like my work and then I became famous," Wiltshire said.
Wiltshire was mute until he was nine years old. At three, he was diagnosed with autism, and learned he had a talent and love for art. He is now nationally renowned and travels around the country inspiring others.
His latest work, a panoramic drawing of Houston, took him five days to complete. It's currently being framed and will be part of a traveling display.