Photo of firefighter with sleeping baby goes viral

Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Picture of firefighter holding baby goes viral
Picture of firefighter holding baby goes viral

CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee -- Firefighter Chris Blazek has become an instant online hero thanks to a viral picture posted to the Chattanooga Fire Department's Facebook page showing him cradling a sleeping child.

The post explains that the image was captured when Blazek and his colleagues were responding to a car accident. Blazek said the incident involved a pregnant woman who was driving with her three children in the back seat, who ranged in age from four months to seven-years-old.

The mother "was hysterical because she was having abdominal and back pain," said Blazek. Blazek went on to say "Both big girls were fine, but the baby was screaming hysterically too, so I took her out of her car seat and did a quick physical exam to make sure she was okay. She immediately laid her head on my shoulder."

Blaze said shortly after that she immediately fell asleep in his arms. The mother was transported to the hospital and later replied on Facebook, "I really want to say thank you for being there for my three girls. It was such a scary moment for all of us. God bless you."