Donald Trump makes campaign stop in Beaumont and spoke about Paris, guns

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Sunday, November 15, 2015
Donald Trump makes stop in Beaumont
Trump talks about Paris terror attacks and guns during his stop in Beaumont

BEAUMONT, TX (KTRK) -- On his third Texas stop since announcing his presidential bid, Donald Trump focused on illegal immigration and foreign policy.

He began his campaign stop in Beaumont asking for a moment of silence for the victims of the Paris terror attacks.

He then told the estimated 5,000 in attendance at Ford Arena, gun laws that prohibit or restrict private ownership are dangerous for law-abiding citizens.

"When you look at Paris, the toughest gun laws in the world, Paris," he said. "Nobody had guns but the bad guys. Nobody. Nobody had guns. And they were just shooting them one by one. You can say what you want. But if they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry, it would have been a much, much different situation."

Trump then segued into his standard stump speech focusing on illegal immigration. He has said he would work to deport the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States and then work to keep them returning without legal status.

"We're gonna build a wall. It's gonna be a big wall," he said to uproarious applause. "And it's gotta look beautiful, because someday they'll probably end up naming it the Trump Wall. It's gotta look beautiful."

He also brought on stage the loved ones of people who Trump announced were killed or murdered by illegal immigrants. Those victims then told the stories of how their family members died. Trump said he would put a stop to horrible, senseless violence.

Trump touted his business acumen, his ability to negotiate, and his desire to use common sense to govern the country, He railed against the media, calling the press lairs and cheaters. That assessment also drew loud applause.

He was critical of the current administration, saying, "We have leadership that doesn't know what they're doing."

Trump was in Beaumont two months after a rally in Dallas drew 18,000 people. In that time he has maintained a position atop most national and early state polls. He also made a trip to Laredo to meet with local leaders on border issues in the early days of his campaign.

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