Lesbian couple's inspirational pregnancy photo goes viral

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015
One lesbian couple's inspirational pregnancy photo has gone viral.

A week ago, you probably didn't know who Melanie and Vanessa Iris Roy were. But now, this Charlotte, N.C. same sex couple has been praised across the internet for their viral pregnancy photo.

Two months ago, the couple shared a photo to their Instagram account showing each of the women pregnant, with the caption "Trading places."

The image of the left was taken when Vanessa was pregnant with their son Jax in January 2014, and the image on the right one year later when Melanie was pregnant with their daughter Ero.

"We decided to mimic the maternity photo in which Vanessa was pregnant while shooting MY pregnancy pictures," Melanie told ABC. "Vanessa thought it would be a great idea to pose exactly the same so that she can join the pictures together."

The couple hopes their photo will encourage women to carry a child.

"The woman's body is incredible. The way it creates and grows another human being is amazing," Melanie told The Huffington Post. "We hope that our picture is that sign that some women may need to encourage them to carry a child."

The photo gained the attention of Grupo Arco-Iris, a LGBT rights organization based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The organization shared it on their own Facebook page, earning over 150,000 likes and counting.

"I found it's beautiful... I am evangelical and know what is in the Bible and I also know that every one should take care of your life and only God to judge... Who are we to say what is right or wrong?" wrote one Facebook commenter.

"I wanted a family like that!" wrote another commenter.

The couple has been overwhelmed by the positive response to their photo.

"We are extremely grateful for all the positive support we have been receiving," Melanie told ABC. "Our hearts are filled with joy because we have influenced so many people. We would have never imagined that a single picture of ours could make such a difference."

Now the couple uses their Instagram accounts to share photos of their adorable children.

Follow Melissa Roy and Vanessa Iris Roy's Instagram accounts to see updates of the family.