STAAR testing begins today for Texas students

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Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Parents, don't forget: STARR test starts tomorrow
Make sure the kids get to bed on time this week!

Make sure the kiddos get plenty of rest and good nutrition this week.

The STAAR test begins for many Texas students this morning. It will be given to 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th grade students, as well as high school students.

Last year, 14,000 students taking the test online either received the wrong version or had their answers erased.

The Texas Education Agency says the vendor made $20 million in improvements and technical support for this year's version.


Students and teachers can get free McDonald's breakfast during STAAR testing

McDonald's offering free breakfast during STAAR testing in Houston.

Changes made to Texas standardized tests to avoid glitches

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