Cy-Fair ISD board members plan to adopt resolution condemning racism

Wednesday, August 12, 2020
HOUSTON, Texas -- Board members at the Cy-Fair ISD board meeting on Aug. 10 discussed signing a resolution condemning racism.

In June, trustees John Ogletree, Julie Hinaman and Gilbert Sarabia were tasked to write the resolution, which is expected to be signed by all board members in September.

"Recent events in our country have brought to the forefront the disturbing issues of racism, systemic racism, discrimination, injustice and inequality," Ogletree read from the resolution Aug. 10. "These issues go against the motto of our district: opportunity for all."

Chief of Employee and Student Services Deborah Stewart oversees a committee launched this summer designed to evaluate the equity of academic opportunity, representation in hiring and student discipline measures in CFISD. According to this resolution, the board plans to consult with an outside group to conduct an equity audit and ultimately help develop a plan to address issues of equity in these areas district-wide.

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Other action steps laid out in the resolution include requiring the study and celebration of the history of different races, genders and other people groups as well as having all schools in the district deemed a "No Place for Hate" school.

No Place for Hate is a program from the Anti-Defamation League designed to create and maintain school environments where all students can thrive through anti-bias and bullying prevention activities.

Trustee Tom Jackson brought forth a unanimously-supported amendment Aug. 10 to mandate board members participate in continuing education on the topics of racism, discrimination and injustice.

"We have an obligation to help shape the lives of our students toward a better America, free of racism and systemic oppression," the resolution reads.


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This story was published through our partnership with Community Impact Newspapers.