Learn how to contour with makeup from the pros

Thursday, October 9, 2014
Learn how to contour with makeup from the pros
We are creating the allusion of a new you just by applying your makeup differently.

HOUSTON (KTRK) -- We are creating the allusion of a new you just by applying your makeup differently. Grab your makeup bag because a makeup expert is showing you how to create the right shadows in all the right places.

You don't need plastic surgery when you know how to highlight and contour like the pros.

"When you contour your face, you are using a darker shade, and this actually makes whatever you are contouring recede and look smaller," said Upper Hand Salon owner Rachel Gower.

When you highlight, you add light to the area, which makes it look fuller or prominent.

"When combine highlighting or contouring, you can really change the way your face looks," Gower said.

If you are unhappy with the strength of your jawline or if you feel your neck is too full, apply concealer that is a couple shades darker than your natural skin tone.

"Apply that to your jawline and slightly underneath, blend with powder," Gower said.

Then, using the same technique, apply concealer along your cheek bone and blend. When applied to a model, the contouring technique makes her jaw line more defined and gives her the allusion of higher cheek bones.

You can also apply the same techniques to your nose if you're unhappy with its shape. You can make it appear smaller by contouring. Use concealer or foundation powder two shades darker than your skin tone and apply two obvious lines on either side of your nose and marry at the tip. Soften the line with a brush and blend.

"Next, take a concealer that is lighter than your normal shade and apply from the ridge of your nose to your tip," Gower said.

Take a setting powder and pat on top of your nose. Once finished, the light will hit the narrowest part of the nose, appearing thinner with just makeup.

If you want fuller lips without any injections, take a lip liner the same shade of your natural lip color and overline your lip just a bit and then fill in. Then grab another lip liner, this time in a darker shade.

"You are going to line the bottom of the lip. About the bottom third should be perfect," Gower said.

The darker line will create a shadow and give the allusion of bigger lips.

"Next, take a white pencil and highlight just above the cupids bow and blend," Gower said.

Finish with a sheer, shiny pink color.

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