Who is Heidi Cruz? Presidential hopeful wife's speaks to abc13

Tom Abrahams Image
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Who's Heidi Cruz? Presidential hopeful wife's speaks to abc13
Heidi Cruz, wife of presidential hopeful Sen. Ted Cruz, hasn't had a one-on-one interview with anyone -- until now.

HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Heidi Cruz, wife of Texas' junior Sen. Ted Cruz, is not new to politics or a presidential campaign.

She is a finance executive with a Harvard MBA. She met her husband while on the policy staff of George W. Bush's 2000 White House run. She has never, however, seen it as a presidential candidate's wife. She took a leave of absence from her job at Goldman Sachs in Houston to work on the campaign.

"The first couple of months I spent a lot of time hitting the phones," she said in her first-ever television one-on-one interview during a campaign swing through Missouri. "I was raising money and making calls for endorsements and we've been able to secure a really good business model for this campaign."

We first met her on the campaign trail, before there was a campaign. They were in South Carolina together in the fall of 2014, some six months before Senator Cruz announced his run. They met with influential Republicans there. It was the first in a string of visits to key early states for Mrs. Cruz. She is with her husband at debates and by his side whenever possible.

"It's really been a joy to get out to the states and meet with thousands and thousands of people who share our values and who are turning out to hear the message of Ted Cruz," she said. "This election will come down to trust. And when you have the opportunity to look someone in the eye and shake their hand and give them a hug and speak to them and articulate how our values are shared, it's a huge opportunity to build relationships to build the grass roots army that we need to win this election."

She is quick to point out she is NOT the candidate. She is a wife and mother of two young girls who cares deeply about her country's future.

"I was once asked if I was a traditional mother or how I would characterize myself," she recalled. "I said absolutely. I am the emotional center of our home both for my husband and our children. And that is my most important role."

It is that role, she says, which led her to want her husband to run for president, even though he only successfully won a senate seat three short years ago. She is confident he can win both the nomination and the general election.

"I think he can win because I think this country shares his values," she said. "I think he shares the values of this country."

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