VIDEO: Couple records Lyft driver's anti-Muslim rant

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Monday, March 28, 2016
Couple records Lyft driver's anti-Muslim rant
A couple in Utah say they were stunned when their driver got heated on camera

SALT LAKE CITY, UT (KTRK) -- A Utah man says he and his girlfriend were kicked out of a Lyft car after the driver made offensive statements about Muslims.

"I explained where we were going, and what it was for," Samuel Grenny says. "And very quickly, he seemed to tense up about it."

Grenny said he has no problem talking politics with people who have different viewpoints than his own.

But he said his Lyft driver Dave took it too far.

"He started to say that Muslims categorically are terrorists," Grenny says. "And then he proceeded to call Muslims pieces of crap but a much unkinder word than that at that point my girlfriend started videotaping, she was very shaken."

On the video, you can hear Grenny confront the driver.

"You told me in a cab that i'm paying for that Muslims are pieces of (bleep)."

Driver: "Muslims are pieces of (bleep)."

"Oh good, please tell me some more about how you feel man."

Grenny's girlfriend: "What year is it?"

"Yea, for real are you serious?"

Grenny says he felt prepared for the possibility of a physical confrontation.

Driver: "Why don't you pull your head out of your (bleep)."

"Why don't you pick up a freaking book man? You are literally what's wrong with this country and you're trying to blame minorities."

Driver: "No you are the one that's wrong with this (bleep) country."

The passengers ended up getting kicked out well before their destination.

Driver: "Get the (bleep) out you piece of (bleep)"

"Good luck, buddy.

Driver: "(Bleep) you get out of my car."

Grenny's girlfriend: "I got that all on video."

Samuel alerted Lyft about the driver. Within 24 hours they sent him an apology and a refund.

Lyft released this statement:

"Lyft is committed to maintaining an inclusive and welcoming environment, and discrimination and racism are not tolerated. This driver's access to Lyft has been permanently removed."

Samuel said he's proud of Lyft's response.

"If he goes and picks up a Muslim in full garb, does he not pick them up, is he rude and horrible to them?" Grenny asks. "I don't think there is a place for someone in the service industry who can't treat all humans fairly."

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