PHOTOS: The new Sandy Hook Elementary School

Friday, July 29, 2016
The exterior of the new Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
The exterior of the new Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
The exterior of the new Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
The exterior of the new Sandy Hook Elementary School
The entrance of the new Sandy Hook Elementary School
The roof of the new Sandy Hook Elementary School
Security cameras at the new Sandy Hook Elementary School
An atrium inside the new Sandy Hook Elementary School
A pet turtle in the new Sandy Hook Elementary School
The old Sandy Hook Elementary School was torn down after a gunman's rampage in 2012. The new $50 million, 86,000-sq.-ft school is on the same property but in a different footprint.
The old Sandy Hook Elementary School was torn down after a gunman's rampage in 2012. The new $50 million, 86,000-sq.-ft school is on the same property but in a different footprint.
Inside the atrium at the new Sandy Hook Elementary. The new $50 million, 86,000-sq.-ft school is on the same property but in a different footprint.
Inside the atrium of the new Sandy Hook Elementary School
A hallway inside the new Sandy Hook Elementary School
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PHOTOS: The new Sandy Hook Elementary SchoolThe exterior of the new Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

Four years after the 20 first-graders were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., a $50 million, 86,000-sq.-ft school has been built in its place.

Students will start attending the new school on August 29, but officials hope for a quiet start to the school year, so an open house is being held on July 29 to allow others to see the school. About 30 of the 390 students enrolled in the school were in the building at the time of the December 2012 shooting, Superintendent Joseph Erardi said.

The new facility is on the same property as the old school, but the old school was torn down and everything, right down to the driveways and parking lots, has been changed. The new building has a number of security features including bulletproof windows and doors, a gated driveway and state-of-the-art video monitoring. Everything from the landscaping to the interior design is meant to evoke nature.

See photos of the new building in the gallery above.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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