Pants on fire: Man strips down to his underwear in Atlanta-area Home Depot parking lot

Thursday, December 3, 2015
The iPhone 6 plus, at left, and iPhone 6 are displayed on Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014, in Cupertino, Calif.
AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez-AP

ATLANTA, GA -- A man stripped down to his underpants in a parking lot in the Atlanta area recently and he says he has valid reason for it: his iPhone caught his pants on fire.

A man who identified himself only as Rocky told

Atlanta station WSBTV he was humiliated when his phone caught fire in his pants, forcing him to remove his pants in a Home Depot parking lot.

Rocky told the station he was loading his car when he felt burning in his pocket. He says seconds later smoke started billowing out of it. That's when he stripped down to his boxers.

Rocky said, "It burned pretty much my whole front pocket, burned my boxers, started to burn my leg, but I had moved it away in time so it wouldn't burn me."

The phone -- a refurbished model from his phone carrier -- was burned to a crisp. And while he got a new phone, he told the station he wants an apology.

The station says it reached out to Apple, but the company said it was too soon to comment on the situation and that they would contact Rocky.