Fort Hood increasing security measures due to ISIS terror threat

Saturday, May 9, 2015
US military bases on alert
The ISIS terror threat has increased security measures at U.S. military bases, including Texas' Fort Hood

FORT HOOD, TX (KTRK) -- The Pentagon has stressed there has not been a specific threat but obviously something is concerning enough to raise the threat level to this threshold for the first time since the 10th Anniversary of 9/11.

When you have two sons-in-law who are career Army soldiers, you've been through a few checkpoints. Jack Holbrook is visiting Fort Hood from Houston.

He says, "Generally they check your ID. We check in here to get your vehicle pass."

Holbrook has one daughter, son-in-law and grandkids at Fort Hood. The other military family is stationed in Washington State.

Holbrook says, "Them being here on the base is always a concern and after events of the past few years they are always on my mind."

At Fort Hood and military bases across the country, Force Protection Condition is now at BRAVO. That's the middle of the chart. BRAVO means "Increased and more predictable threat of terrorist activity; higher security may be needed for weeks."

KTRK Security Analyst Jim Conway says, "I know that outside the United States they have ramped up and have significant threat levels imposed overseas at military installations and bases. But we know that this particular threat that we're seeing today is threats against the military."

Fort Hood is no stranger to crisis. Mark Bauer was stationed on the base in 2009 when an Army Major shot at dozens of people in a mass shooting, killing 13 and injuring more than 30.

Bauer says, "Of course it's concerning and the safety of the young men who have taken on the role that I once held and my father once held to protect all of us has got to be a key factor. Whatever they have to do is worth any convenience that I might have to suffer through."

And no one understands that more than the Holbrook family.

Jack Holbrook says, "Country-wide, we think about them."