What we know about bomb suspect Andrew Schneck

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Andrew Schneck, the 25-year-old son of the couple who own the homes at the center of the investigation, first got the attention of law enforcement in 2013. That was when he reportedly ordered explosive chemicals online.

Back then, the FBI searched the family's home and found picric acid, according to government documents. They found more of it than they expected, according to FBI agents at the raid.

The raids were part of an investigation that spread from Houston to Bryan to a home the family owned in Traverse City, Mich.

Schneck pleaded guilty to 2014 improper storage of a high explosive. His family paid $159,000 to law enforcement agencies as restitution. Court records show Schneck got five years probation.

During probation, a judge kept him from "any contact with explosive materials", "contact with people... to communicate about explosive materials", or "any activities involving the use of chemical agents." That ended nine months ago.

A federal judge let him off probation early, after just two years and two months.

While on probation, Schneck earned a bachelor's degree from Austin College in Sherman, Texas where his major was chemistry.

According to court documents, his mother told federal agents on Saturday that her son used the house now under investigation "to conduct his chemistry experiments."

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