ABC13 was the only station in April 2023 to show you a video of a teen being ripped from a car and forcibly detained. Eyewitness News also reported that it landed one of the involved deputies, Christopher Bolin, under investigation and dismissed the teen's charges. Now, similar allegations are coming forward.
"My client also forwarded me a video that Channel 13 posted that happened only a few short months after my client was assaulted by Deputy Bolin," Courtney Vincent of Vincent Law PLLC said.
Vincent represents Rico McCoy, who was filming when Deputy Bolin allegedly followed him into a parking lot, asked him to get out of his car, and escalated the stop into a physical arrest.
McCoy was charged with interfering with official duties and assault on a peace officer, which was eventually dismissed.
Vincent said her client went to the hospital with broken teeth, a detached retina, and other injuries. Bolin is accused of assaulting McCoy just 16 days after being served with a civil rights lawsuit for a similar incident with Alexander Williams.
"I get goosebumps thinking about it, those screams. I'll never forget that," Williams said.
Williams was leaving a store with his then 4-year-old son in 2023 when Bolin allegedly approached him, became aggressive, beat Williams, and arrested him. Williams said, unfortunately, he wasn't surprised to learn of the past allegations.
"It makes perfect sense. You don't wake up one day and be a criminal. You don't wake up one day and become a pastor. You work towards this," Bolin said.
As with the other alleged victims, Williams' charges were also dismissed. The lawsuits brought against Bolin by McCoy and Williams seek to have him barred from policing, financial compensation, and changes within law informant agencies to make it harder for cops with bad records to be rehired.
All these alleged incidents happened while Bolin was with HCSO. For the incident involving the teens, ABC13 is told all sheriff deputies were disciplined, and at the end of 2023, Bolin was terminated. As pf Wednesday, he is on active duty with the Precinct 2 Constable's Office.
ABC13 asked Pct. 2 if they knew about the allegations against Bolin when they hired him, and is waiting to hear back.
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