Your kids can help feed 400K Houston children over the summer

Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Your kids are never too young to start volunteering and it's a great way to keep them un-plugged from the screens.

One Kingwood mom is introducing us to a program that's feeding 400,000 kids this summer and showing us how you can get your children involved too.

"My kids are still really young. I can't take them to the food bank. This is what works right now. I can do it from home and invite friends over," said Nikkie Hancock.
Nikkie Hancock is the mother of 3-year-old Barret and 5-year-old Lola. She's busting summer boredom with arts and crafts that take on a whole new meaning.

"One of our favorite things to do is decorate the brown paper bags for Kids Meals Houston. In the summer, they need 6,000 bags a day," said Hancock.

Kids Meals Houston is the nation's only home delivery service for pre-school aged children. During the summer, they extend their program to feed every child in each household.

With a goal of feeding 400,000 kids, they need all the extra help they can get from home and onsite.

"Every day we have between 15 and 40 volunteers in our kitchen making sandwiches, packing lunches," said Kelsey Ryan, Communications and Development Coordinator for Kids Meals Houston.

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Callie and Marin have been volunteering with Kids Meals Houston.
"It's very rewarding seeing your time and energy put into something that purposeful and effective," said Callie Gornley.

For your older children who may not be able to make it in during the morning volunteer hours, you can still help from home.

"People can get the kids involved with off-site lunch pack. Pack lunches with a list approved by us with non-perishable lunches and assemble lunches at a time and location of their choice," said Ryan.

"I think it's fun to get the kids involved to give back to the community and put a smile on a little kid's face," said Hancock.

If you need help providing lunches to your children, you can apply here.

To volunteer, you can sign up here.
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