4 simple things you can do for whiter teeth

Tuesday, September 26, 2017
We all want that pearly white smile, but teeth whitening treatments can often be a nuisance and pretty expensive.

But, did you know diet and simple products you might have in your pantry can do the trick?

Here are four tips that can help you have a brighter smile, presented by MensHealth.com:

No. 1: Swap out your toothbrush
If you aren't doing this every three months, you need to. If the bristles are bent, they won't clean your teeth property. And after you brush your teeth, make sure you brush your tongue. Not only will it help with bad breath, but because bacteria accumulates on your tongue, if you don't brush it, the bacteria can cause discoloration.

No. 2: Gargle with apple cider vinegar
While it isn't going to be as effective as an over-the-counter treatment for teeth whitening, rinsing with two parts water and one part apple cider vinegar will make a difference.

No. 3: Eat your fruits and veggies
Also, don't forget the nuts! Eating crunchy foods actually remove stains and plaque that lead to cavities.

No. 4: Rinse that citrus juice out!
If you eat oranges or citrus fruits, always rinse your mouth with water after. The acid in the fruits will erode tooth enamel and cause them to stain more easily.

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