WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TX (KTRK) -- A woman pulling into her garage Tuesday night was robbed at gunpoint in the city of West University Place.
The robbery happened around 10:40 pm. along Westchester. Eyewitness News is not giving the specific location at the request of the woman's family.
"She was driving alone in her vehicle. As she exited her vehicle, she was on the phone," said West University Place Police Sergeant Phil Clark. "She exited her vehicle to go to her garage, and an unknown, thin built, black male approached her on foot. While she was still in her garage, he displayed a handgun, and said something."
Sgt. Clark says the suspect then grabbed what looked like the woman's purse and jumped into a waiting getaway car. As it turns out, the victim's iPhone case was shaped like a purse. Seeing it wasn't actually a purse, police say the suspects tossed the phone out the window a few blocks away. The phone was recovered and is currently being processed for possible fingerprints.
The woman, who wasn't hurt in the ordeal, was too upset to talk to us on camera. Her husband did speak to Eyewitness News.
"This is my first time to hear about this situation, especially to my family," said Jay, who did not want his full name used. "And I can't believe it."
Given the reputation for quiet and safety at West U., the attack seemed even more out of place.
"This is something especially, in this neighborhood, t's well known as very safe, and this happened and this time, it is shocking to me."
West U. Police are currently investigating. So far, there are no leads.