HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A Houston firefighter has a message for the culprit who stole all of his gear out of his truck Friday evening.
"Basically, that's my primary gear that I use to go inside burning buildings, fight a fire, save and rescue individuals from the worst day of their life," said Daniel Gutierrez.
Gutierrez says he was working his extra job near the Galleria Friday evening when someone broke his back window and took all of his firefighting gear and some other personal belongings. Among the belongings was a stethoscope gifted by his family.
"Which is dear to me because my mother and my sisters gave it to me for when I graduated paramedic school. I use that all the time," Gutierrez said.
Surveillance video shows the person run off with a big bag.
"I was actually working extra during the flood and that's why I had my gear with me, and I got out of work late Friday morning," Gutierrez said.
Gutierrez says he understands he likely will not get his belongings back, but he wants to share his story in hopes of stopping someone else from committing such a senseless crime.